I will use this post as repository of all the publicly available shiny dashboards I have developed through time.

DTCC Swap Data Dashboard

All the investment banks in the world must submit the information about their trades to a trade repository called DTCC. We report the anonymysed version of such data as published by DTCC here (https://pddata.dtcc.com/gtr/cftc/dashboard.do) in a dashboard that tracks the evolution through time of the global investments in a specific trade called “interest rate swaps”.

We report the global amounts traded by currency, split the type of swap (OIS or Libor)for each day since the beginning of 2021. We also provide snapshots of the full data used at any date, which can be selected by the dashboard user.

Interactive Dashboard on Covid19 data in Italy

An interactive dashboard to track the evolution of the Covid19 contagion in Italy. Data is automatically sourced from the official Italian Government Covid Data repository (https://github.com/pcm-dpc/COVID-19) on a daily basis. The data reported in the dashboard is fully dependant on the original source and no additional post-processing is applied to the raw data by the author of the Dashboard.

Interactive Dashboard on Covid19 data in Ireland

An interactive dashboard to track the evolution of the Covid19 contagion in Ireland. Data is sourced both from the Irish Government open data website (https://data.gov.ie/blog/coronavirus-covid-19) and by scraping the epidemiological pdf reports published by the Health Protection Surveillance Centre (https://www.hpsc.ie/a-z/respiratory/coronavirus/novelcoronavirus/casesinireland/). The data reported in the dashboard is fully dependant on the original source and no additional post-processing is applied to the raw data by the author of the Dashboard.

Vessels Dashboard

An interactive dashboard that tracks the position and the movement over a 2 hours window of a vast number of vessels in the Baltic Sea.

Online Interest Rate Swap Monitor

An online application developed using R shiny to monitor in realtime the change in the the Interest Rate Swap market by scraping the web. Source data is automatically scraped from a third party website .